Hello again! Please check out our new web site, that's where you will find all up to date postings.
The current blog is at This is the original site for Mid Life Crisis, winners of the 2007 TAMMIES Reader's Choice for Cover Band (Runners up in 2005 & 2006). We'll try to work on updating as much as possible, but bear in mind these are some older posts. Thanks for visiting!
Hello again! Please check out our new web site, that's where you will find all up to date postings.
We had a wonderful time with our friends at the Elks last night. Here's a few shots that will prove that out. John & Liz Denbo are twisiting in the adjacent shot - note that John is supposed to be taking it easy, hmm. I do want to let you know that he did a chair dance with the lovely Lori on the last dance
The back in the t-shirt shot is Maria, Bill Segura's pretty wife. I wanted to get a front shot but they moved too fast for me.
The first shot shows they really like their line dances in Green Valley. I know I'm repeating myself, but we love the enthusiastic crowds at the Elks. Now Lori, aren't you glad you were with us instead of that boring old playoff game in San Diego? Post a comment for us. Look forward to our next visit.
A sincere thanks to all our friends who came out to the Casino last night. It's so much more fun when we have dancers on the floor. Steve's family was out in force, some braving a blinding snowstorm to catch the show. Our good friends John & Liz Denbo made sure we had enough fuel for the night - 5 hours is long gig at the end of a regular work day. Our Green Valley Midi-Philes helped fill the place - Bill & Maria, I'm glad we got your cumbias in. A special mention has to go out to lucious Lori who is visiting from San Diego at no small sacrifice (you can ask her tonight if you make it to the Elks). But the travel award definitely goes to Linda's BFFL Katherine who flew in all the way from Hawaii. How's that for having a diverse crowd? We hope you'll help us do it again next Friday and don't forget we will be there the first 3 Friday's of February as well. Until later.
We had a rare weekday gig, but we were very glad to have been invited to the Crystal Room at Quail Creek. We love this stage and there is a spacious dance floor. This group loves to line dance and we were happy to accomodate them. Don't believe what you may have heard, this group stuck around until 10 pm when "we" did an improptu version of YMCA. It wasn't quite ready, but the band and our dancers were good sports. Thanks again to Phil Geddes for asking us out.
We look forward to playing here again on April 28 - I believe tickets are on sale. I'll have my camera so I can get some shots at the Casino tonight, hope to see you there!
A special thanks to alll our friends who showed up at the Sports Bar last night. You kept the dance floor filled until 11:00 and we had dancers until the end. Just a reminder that we will be back there the next 2 Fridays so come keep us company while we try out some new songs. I'm hoping to have some pictures sent to me that I will post soon.
I trust everyone saw the e-mail regarding the Hideout tonight - sorry about the mixup but we will be back there on the 17th of February to see friends like these . . .
I believe Greg was singing Karaoke when I took this shot (I promise it wasn't us!). Just to let you know, prior bookings will have us returning to the Hideout in May so all you East siders come out next month, we won't be around for awhile. Thanks again for supporting us!
Happy New Year to all our friends. We had a wonderful party to welcome the New Year with the good people at American Legion Post 66. They were up and dancing from the first song, looked great and had a great time. Our good friends John, Liz, Bill, Bob, Bonnie, Michelle, Jen, Robin, Nancy, Gayle, Kim and so many others were there with us. Thank you again.
We have a pretty hectic run coming up beginning with Sakura's on Tanque Verde tonight, The Desert Diamond Friday and the Hideout Saturday. Yes, we are at Quail Creek next Wednesday the 10th and I believe tickets are still available. We look forward to seeing you soon.
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