A sincere thanks to all our friends who came out to the Casino last night. It's so much more fun when we have dancers on the floor. Steve's family was out in force, some braving a blinding snowstorm to catch the show. Our good friends John & Liz Denbo made sure we had enough fuel for the night - 5 hours is long gig at the end of a regular work day. Our Green Valley Midi-Philes helped fill the place - Bill & Maria, I'm glad we got your cumbias in. A special mention has to go out to lucious Lori who is visiting from San Diego at no small sacrifice (you can ask her tonight if you make it to the Elks). But the travel award definitely goes to Linda's BFFL Katherine who flew in all the way from Hawaii. How's that for having a diverse crowd? We hope you'll help us do it again next Friday and don't forget we will be there the first 3 Friday's of February as well. Until later.
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