The current blog is at http://mlcaz.com/ This is the original site for Mid Life Crisis, winners of the 2007 TAMMIES Reader's Choice for Cover Band (Runners up in 2005 & 2006). We'll try to work on updating as much as possible, but bear in mind these are some older posts. Thanks for visiting!

    September 10, 2006

    THE HIDEOUT SEPT. 9, 2006

    We had an enthusiastic crowd (until about midnight) welcome us back to the Hideout on Friday. Thanks to Mike Quinn from 911, Roger from the church band & Carol for showing up. A very special thanks to the lovely Debbie & Yolanda for keeping the dancers going. We also had some help on a couple of songs, Jesse Walker did some Elvis with us. We have the next 2 weeks off while we take assorted trips - although mine did fall through this year (See my site Sing&Fish for more details) - oh well, here's hoping Bob catches some for me on the South Platte. Thanks for all the birthday wishes. I'll catch some you on the karaoke circuit the next 2 weeks while I work on some new songs. We'll see some of you at the Legion on the 29th. October looks like this: Hideout on the 13th, Tucson High Class of '61 reunion on the 14th, The Legion on the 20th, the Elks on the 21st and the 27th at the Green Valley Singles dance. Enjoy the cooler weather, send us some comments when you get a chance. Gilbert


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